Home Made Brunch

Ever since I’ve been staying indoors almost every day (due to a mix of being in denial that uni is over and a case of being broke) I’ve been skipping breakfast and eating something later on in the day. To be fair, I’ve never liked breakfast. Don’t get me wrong, I love the types of food that are considered as breakfast, I just don’t like eating something after I’ve woken up. I’ve also noticed that every time I eat breakfast, I’m hungry the WHOLE day. When I don’t eat in the morning, I’m fine till about 4/5pm.

So I’ve been making myself brunch every day after 1pm and finding a new love for eggs. I used to hate eggs. I hated the smell, the taste, the look of them, the tummy pains they gave me, everything. Now, I’ve mastered how to fix all of that. Before I show you how, let me tell you why eggs are good for you (in case you didn’t already know). 

The benefits of eating eggs: 

  • They’re cheap. Don’t try to argue with me about this. You get like a dozen of them for a decent price. Aim to get the organic ones even if they cost slightly more. They’re good for you.
  • High in protein. Out of the 20 amino acids in our body, we essentially need about nine. Guess what? Eggs contain eight.
  • Egg whites include vitamin B2 which helps us convert food into fuel.
  • Egg whites also have lower amounts of cholesterol and fat than the yolk.
  • You can even find selenium (helps the immune system and fertility in both men and women), vitamin D (we need this for healthy bones and teeth), B6 (all B vitamins help convert food to fuel), B12, and minerals like zinc, copper and iron.
  • Egg yolks are also beneficial as they contain vitamin A, D, E and K.
  • One large egg contains around 78 calories. It’s pretty filling so it can help with weight-loss (yaass!)


    (Taken from Giphy.com)

So here’s some of the dishes I’ve made so far for brunch:

  1. Eggs À La Sweet Chilli feat Walnuts.Let’s ignore my poor creativity when it comes to dish names. I don’t even know if the ‘à la‘ part is correct or not. We always buy brown bread at our house. My mum loves the ones sprinkled with a variety of seeds. I personally prefer those ‘best of both‘ breads but I am completely ignored when it comes to grocery shopping. My family claims I crave a lot of things and by the time they buy it, my craving is gone so I just leave it to rot or to be eaten by someone else. Once I realise it’s gone, I crave it again. No wonder they ignore me.Anyway! I always toast the bread first because I like it to go slightly hard and crispy by the time I’m ready to eat it. Now with the eggs, I use two every day and scramble them with some milk. If you’re like me with a nose that picks up every possible scent around, then you might want to add a drop or two of vanilla essence or sprinkle in some cinnamon.

    Before you cook the eggs, peel an avocado (one of my FAVE fruits) and chop it up. Avocado is expensive but so good for you. It contains more potassium than bananas which helps lower blood pressure. It’s exploding with fiber which can help with weight-loss. Some people say it’s high in fat but it actually contains monounsaturated fat so it’s still a healthy choice.

    (Taken from Giphy.com)

    (Taken from Giphy.com)

    The next step is to cook the scrambled eggs with some butter (still haven’t mastered how to stop the eggs from sticking to the pan) which takes less than five minutes.

    On two of the slices of bread, I spread a thin layer of pesto hummus. Next, I put on the scrambled eggs. Then the avocados and finally, I add on some sweet chilli sauce. Trust me, that’s the best part of this. It works so well with the avocado. On the other slice, I spread some Philadelphia cream cheese topped with some walnuts. Honestly, I don’t know why I thought that extra slice was necessary because two slices filled me up pretty well.

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    (Photo taken by me)

  2. Eggs À La Honey.I’ve mentioned up there somewhere that eggs give me stomach pains which I also get when drinking warm milk, hot chocolate and coffee. I’ve learnt how to avoid this, thanks to a little trick my mum taught me.Again, two pieces of toasted brown bread.
    Scramble some eggs.
    On one slice I lay a bed of avocado and cherry tomatoes. Then I add on the scrambled eggs and sprinkle on some black pepper.

    On the other slice of bread, I keep it simple by covering it with scrambled eggs and drizzling on some honey. Honey is the trick I mentioned. Other than the fact that we would die without bees, their honey is very beneficial for the human body. It helps prevent heart disease, reduces ulcers, it’s antibacterial, reduces irritation of the throat and coughing as well being great for the skin. So adding honey to your eggs is basically a win-win situation and it tastes so good.

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    (Photo taken by me)

  3. Mac Eggs.This sandwich is for when I know I have a long day ahead of me. One half of the sandwich fills me up, that’s how big it is.Alright, this is the only time I’ve fried my eggs instead of scrambling them so here’s how the mighty sandwich starts:

    One toasted brown bread with a layer of sweet chilli sauce.
    Then smack on some salami, ham (in my case, chicken slices) and some pepperoni slices (you can also get the halal version from Turkish stores).
    Next you squish some avocado on top, then add the eggs and repeat the process once more.
    Voila! You have a Mac Egg sandwich! You can have fun with this by adding extra toppings or an extra layer but I can guarantee it will keep you full the whole day.

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    (Photo taken by me)

  4. Eggs À La Spinach.In my house, we always have cooked spinach because we like to mix it with Greek yoghurt alongside salt and pepper, to make a yummy Persian side dish known as ‘Boorani’. You can cook the spinach with some butter and throw in some garlic for extra flavouring. This next version of eggs is very similar to the first one.Two toasted brown bread slices.
    Cook the scrambled eggs with some cooked spinach.
    Place it on top of the bread.
    Mash some avocado and add it on top.
    Finish off with some black pepper and sweet chilli sauce.

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    (Photo taken by me)

    I’m slightly put off eggs for a while since I was having them every, single, day for the past few weeks so I’m back to an unhealthy diet and indulging in my mum’s homemade pancakes (picture below). I do however, still recommend to include eggs in your diet either every day or every other day.

(Photo by me. Homemade pancakes with bananas, cinnamon and golden syrup)

Let me know what you think of my brunch dishes and if you’ve tried them out or if you entered the kitchen and whisked something for yourself that you’d like me to try. Also comment below any other brunch dishes that you enjoy!

Lola x

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